Image: Attendees enjoying lunch and conversation at 1700 Pull Up after the walk
As a continuation of our partnership with Walnut Way and Wisconsin Department of Health Services, we hosted a walk audit and lunch conversation on July 16th. Our group of residents, community leaders, advocates, and governmental staff examined walking conditions along Fond du Lac Ave from 20th St to Walnut St. A major roadway improvement project is currently being planned for this segment of Fond du Lac Ave. While details on the scope of work have not yet been presented to the public, we are working to connect residents and community leaders with government agencies able to advocate on their behalf for improvements to the street.
Images: Attendees gather at Walnut Way House for introductions.
In addition to the upcoming project, Fond du Lac Ave was chosen for a walk audit since it has been identified by the City as a top priority for safety improvements in their 2023 Milwaukee Crash Analysis. The segment identified as part of the high injury network starts at 20th St and extends northwest all the way past Capitol Dr to Armitage Ave. While the segment we walked is just southeast of the high injury network, 20th St to Walnut St presents a barrier for Lindsay Heights residents accessing Johnson Park and the Blue Line bus route. The traffic proceeding along Fond du Lac Ave from the I-43 interchange travels at speeds that make the roadway feel unsafe and highly stressful. The fast traffic is incredible loud, making it difficult to have a conversation or just go on a relaxing walk.
To conduct our walk audit, participants were given assessment forms and a map of the corridor to note their observations. We walked as a single group surveying sidewalks on both sides of the street. We crossed Fond du Lac Ave at four intersections to assess crossing conditions at signaled and uncontrolled locations.

Image: Half the group crosses Fond du Lac Ave at 18th and Lloyd while the rest wait for a gap in traffic.
Next in this series we will continue to work with Walnut Way to conduct a bike audit along North Ave. Additionally we will detail in depth our finding from both audits. By collecting experiences to share with government transportation staff, we hope that street in Lindsay Heights will be redesigned to prioritize the health of local residents.