1000 Friends of Wisconsin is excited to announce the Community Transportation Academy is coming to Kenosha in Fall 2024! Applications are open until August 15, 2024.
Transportation access is directly tied to our ability to meet basic needs like housing, food, healthcare, and childcare. Yet most of us don’t think much about how local transportation planning works or how it could be designed differently to better serve everyone in a community. The Academy seeks to close the gap between everyday users of the transportation system and decision makers. This free class provides the opportunity for participants to learn how transportation decisions are made, understand the impact of transportation on human health and the environment, and most importantly, engage with each other and local decision makers to imagine a better future.
What: FREE nine-week course that helps bridge the gap between community advocates and decision makers in transportation and provides participants with skills and knowledge to advocate for safe and accessible transportation networks that work for everyone. Learn about transportation plans and processes, interact with local and national experts invited as guest speakers, take local tours, connect with other participants, and more.
When: Wednesdays from 4-6pm, September 4 - October 30
Where: 4 in-person sessions in Kenosha, 5 virtual sessions via Zoom, plus online participation and engagement.
Who: Community members, local elected leaders, city and county staff, and college students in the Kenosha area who are interested in learning more about local transportation to be a better advocate! No previous knowledge or experience required.
How: Visit https://1kfriends.org/community-transportation-academy/ to read more on the 1000 Friends website and apply. Questions? Email Susan Gaeddert, Community Programs Director, at susan@1kfriends.org