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April webinar: Reclaiming the Streets for Living, Together

Updated: Apr 21, 2022

April 20, 2022 - Group Presentation - "Reclaiming the Streets for Living, Together

April's webinar is a group presentation about how street design and the built environment shape us, how we shape the streets, and what we can do to reclaim public space and combat social isolation in a changing world.


Joyce Tang Boyland is an associate professor of psychology at Alverno College in Milwaukee, WI. She earned her Ph.D. in psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. She grew up and attended college in Massachusetts, and has lived in Austria, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the PRC. Moving to a state where car-ownership is assumed opened her eyes to the structural inequities created by federal, state, and local land use and transportation policies of the mid-20th century, many of which persist to this day, pulling lives off-track. Research and teaching interests include aging and disability, cultural psychology, and environmental psychology.

Lori DiPrete Brown is Associate Director for Education and Engagement at the School of Human Ecology (SoHE) at UW-Madison. Lori focuses her scholarship on global health, particularly the health and well-being of women and children in highly vulnerable situations around the world. She teaches in the Department of Civil Society and Community Studies at the School of Human Ecology and is affiliated with the School of Medicine and Public Health. She is an Associate Director of the UW-Madison Global Health Institute, where she has been an architect of UW-Madison’s global health education programs and has developed and facilitated internships and service-learning programs in local settings and around the world. DiPrete Brown is the lead author and editor of Foundations for Global Health Practice, a text that articulates a broad vision of global health that goes beyond health care systems, to include topics such as human rights, global mental health, water and sanitation, food systems, climate change and urban health. She is also the founding Director of the campus-wide 4W Women and Well-being Initiative, which has catalyzed a range of innovative programs that address gender-based inequality and injustice.

Susan Gaeddert is Special Projects Manager at 1000 Friends of Wisconsin. She graduated from UW-Madison with a Masters of Science in Urban/Regional Planning in 2020, where she specialized in transportation, land use, and recreational trail planning. Susan has experience working in the affordable housing sector, comprehensive plan development, and community engagement. Susan came to urban planning after a long career in music performance. When not at work or at the piano, she can be found outside in the garden or exploring local trails. She is a long-time advocate for outdoor education.

Caressa Givens is a city of Milwaukee Advocacy and Projects Manager with the Wisconsin Bike Fed and has eight years of combined experience as a Safe Routes to School educator, bike-share programming manager, and community active transportation advocacy organizer for Complete Streets. She commutes by bike and bus, loves to walk places, and to bike camp!

Amber Miller is Associate State Director of Community Outreach with AARP-Wisconsin. In her current role, Miss Miller focuses on expanding the AARP Livable Communities initiative, being the frontline voice and presence with the 50+ public, along with community and partnership development. Amber has over 10 years’ experience in the non-profit and economic development industry with a passion to help Entrepreneurs. She was named one of the “40 Under 40” winners through the Milwaukee Business Journal in 2019 and a Commissioner for Milwaukee County Division on Aging since 2020. Miss Miller holds a B.A in Business and Management through Alverno College and a MBA through Upper Iowa University.

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